EFS Consulting
Lächelnde Personen am Tisch

We manage projects in several business areas in all value chain steps.

Business Areas

Business Areas

Pedro Dias und Dragan Komsic von EFS Consulting im Gespräch

Target of R&D Product Creation is to set up a a lean product portfolio, which covers today’s requirements.

Teaserbild Product Planning EFS Consulting Yaryna Mykytyn
Product Planning

From Market segmentation, product positioning to volume planning. With our customers we successfully develop products.

Yasmine Oullansi
Compliance and Legal

The globalization of markets comes with new opportunities for companies. We provide insight and support in the field of product compliance.

Alexander Oborny von EFS Consulting lächelnd am Handy
Finance and Controlling

We create transparency, cost awareness, manage key profitability levers and ensure cost effectiveness with our customers.

Teaserbild Procurement EFS Consulting Benjamin Braun

We offer comprehensive guidance regarding tendering and awarding management processes.

Teaserbild Production And Logistics EFS Consulting Recep Öz
Production and Logistics

Efficient value chains are a key success factor for competitiveness. We optimize procurement, supply and production processes.

Felix Meizer steht lächelnd vor einer Glastür.
Information Technology

We enable our clients to bring together the requirements of business and IT in an end-2-end approach.

Teaserbild Information Security EFS Consulting Darya Shitova und Wolfgang Walter
Information Security

To secure the business world and our living environment sensible solutions for information security, IT security and cyber security are needed.

Auf diesem Bild ist Sebastian Steinmayr, Project Manager bei EFS Consulting, zu sehen, der vor einer Glastür steht und in die Kamera grinst.
Marketing & Sales

By establishing a well-thought-out customer journey, we set new standards in the field of Marketing & Sales. We turn customers into brand ambassadors.


Digitalisation and development towards sustainable mobility solutions present the industry with major challenges and new opportunities at the same time.

Teaser Information Technology EFS Consulting Felix Meizer
People & Organization

Embedding new forms of collaboration in organizations, developing leaders and creating an attractive and competitive work environment.

Gina Gherghel und Gerlinde Felber lächelnd an einem Tisch.

Acting sustainably means making companies viable for the future as well as crisis-proof. We accompany companies & organizations on their transformation.


To meet the challenges of a complex world openly and successfully, agility is an effective, and sustainable solution.

Kathrina Fallast und Oliver Bandyk von EFS Consulting vor dem Firmensitz, ein Bauwerk von Max Fabiani in Wien 1030
Smart Mobility

We take a holistic view of the digitalisation of mobility and thereby create added value for our partners.

Artificial Intelligence

We view AI as a strategic tool that can be used to achieve business objectives.


Truls Thorstensen CEO EFS Consulting

Truls Thorstensen

Christian Schaupp CEO EFS Consulting

Christian Schaupp

Tibor Löderer EFS Consulting

Tibor Löderer

Maximilian Mrstik

Stefan Willminger, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Stefan Willminger

Thomas Verhounig, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Thomas Verhounig

Georg Groh, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Georg Groh

Jochen Schreiber, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Jochen Schreiber

Felix Meizner, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Felix Meizer

Jürgen Leitner, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Jürgen Leitner

Bernhard Schreiner, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Bernhard Schreiner

Recep Öz

Roman Benedetto, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Roman Benedetto

Stefanie FieberSenior Expert

Stefanie Fieber-Grandits

Günther Kolar-Schandlbauer

Jörg Galatz EFS Consulting

Jörg Galatz

Pedro Dias, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Pedro Dias

Robert Zlabinger, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Robert Zlabinger

Liliana Simon

Michael Rinda, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Michael Rinda

Irakli Dshandshgava, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Irakli Dshandshgava

Wolfgang Walter, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Wolfgang Walter

Gregor Schuh, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Gregor Schuh