EFS Consulting

Empowering companies to incorporate Smart Mobility into their existing business portfolios

Business Models

Empowering companies to incorporate Smart Mobility into their existing business portfolios

At EFS, we are confident that Smart Mobility is one of the keys to long-term business success.  Accordingly, our goal is to support companies and organizations in developing innovative and sustainable mobility-oriented business models. in order to remain competitive in the future and successfully meet increasing market demands. We combine excellent industry knowledge with strong entrepreneurial ingenuity through many years of experience in the automotive industry to design business models for Smart Mobility and turn them into reality.

Our consulting services include:

  • Business model development: We work with you to develop customized business models that match your goals and vision.
  • Competitive benchmarking: Our experts conduct comprehensive competitive analyses to identify opportunities and trends that make your business models a real USP.
  • Innovation management: We help you develop innovations that contribute to sustainable revenue generation from your smart mobility offerings.
  • Networking: We support you in identifying strategic partnerships and collaborations to drive your business growth.


Roman Benedetto, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Roman Benedetto

Gregor Schuh, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Gregor Schuh