EFS Consulting
Zwei Männer, die miteinander reden

A product program is an entropic system - without active intervention, variance increases continuously.

Advanced Portfolio Management

Classic approaches to portfolio management are limited to segmenting quantities to identify low and zero performers and remove them from the construction kit.

However, the main question is not: “What is rare, what is frequent?”, but rather: “What is costly and what is not?”. Because: rare is not necessarily complex and complex is not necessarily economical.


EFS Advanced Portfolio Management the (vehicle) construction kit is analyzed in the dimensions:

  • Frequency (quantity)
  • Economy (contribution margin)
  • Complexity (excluding parts) and
  • CO2 footprint

In this way, “nodes of complexity” can be identified. “Nodes of complexity” are areas of the construction kit that are equally complex and uneconomical, rarely if ever in demand, and create a high carbon footprint.

Advanced Portfolio Management is a process and methodical approach that quickly and reliably identifies “nodes of complexity”, specifically bypasses them in the configuration process and removes them from the construction kit.

We use the knowledge of today to make it even better tomorrow.

With our developed ready-to-use AI toolset “Holistic Portfolio Analyzer”, in combination with a strong process and technical know-how, the EFS Advanced Portfolio Management delivers:

  • customer better products,
  • manufacturer economical products,
  • society more eco-friendly products.

EFS Consulting acts as an external acceleration to bring established methods and processes to bear, to generate ideas, and to create transparent basis for a decision-ready assessment.

The speed of implementation is crucial to success. EFS Approach provides evaluated and prioritized ideas including expected portfolio impact (part reduction, cost reduction, contribution margin increase, CO2 footprint) within 40 days.


100 days program with 40 days variant fasting

Portfolio analyzed & ideas generated – 20 days

  • EFS „Holistic Portfolio Analyzer“ docked and operative
  • Result of the portfolio analysis is available
  • Ideas are identified
  • KPI set available (e.g. parts reduction, cost reduction, contribution margin increase, CO2 footprint…)

Ideas evaluated & priorized – 40 days

  • -15/20% parts reduction
  • -7/10% cost reduction
  • +3/5% contribution margin increase
  • -5/10% CO2-Footprint

Decisions made – 50 days

  • Ideas are coordinated with stakeholders
  • Cross-functional decision template is created
  • Decision at management level has been made

Ideas implemented – 100 days

  • goal is achieved
  • Process & method is available for the organization


EFS Advanced Portfolio Management Expertise

EFS Consulting works on definition, design and lifecycle management of modular vehicle architectures in the context of modularization and platform management.

With more than 20 years project experience with international OEMs, EFS Consulting has created trend-setting standards for documentation-based variant planning and complexity analysis.


Stefan Willminger, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Stefan Willminger

Pedro Dias, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Pedro Dias