New type-approval requirements for event data recorders
This initiative outlines the technical requirements and test procedures for approving trucks, buses, and coaches (categories M2, M3, N2, and N3) concerning their event data recorder (EDR) systems. Beside the already existing and amended rules in Regulation 2019/2144, it incorporates the requirements of UN Regulation No. 169 into EU law. The initiative also addresses the approval of EDR systems as separate technical units.
The event data recorder (EDR) system is designed to record and store critical crash-related parameters and information shortly before, during, and immediately after a collision. Its goal is to gather precise accident data to help Member States conduct road safety analyses and evaluate the effectiveness of specific measures. The notified draft establishes harmonized rules for the test procedures and technical requirements for type-approval of EDR systems, ensuring the safety of vehicle users and other road users, including pedestrians, to protect human health and safety.
Key changes in the amendment
As already mentioned, the EDR will be approved as separate technical units and technical requirements will be adapted to Regulation 169 of the UN. Enhanced data security is required which shall comply to UN Regulation 155. The data retrieval shall be standardized and secure. Lastly, for the purpose of roadworthiness tests, the event data recorder system must verify the correct operational status and functionality, as well as the required software integrity.
Entry into force
Though the Amendment is still a draft, the expected date of adoption is in July 2024 and will enter into force 20 days after publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. However, the provisions laid down start to apply from 7 January 2026, so the Commission grants a grace period for implementation of these requirements. See the draft here.