EFS Consulting

Type approval for automotive radars

The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) launched a public consultation on a new draft type approval regulation for vehicle radars.

The new draft regulation “Interim Provisions on the Radio Management of Automotive Radars (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)” should re-introduce type approval for radars in the range of 76-79 GHz and to stop approval of 24.25-26.65 GHz band vehicle radar equipment entirely from 1 January 2024.

Technical requirements that automotive radar should meet are described in the Annex 1 of the draft regulation.

Feedback regarding the draft can be sent (in Chinese language only) until 6 May 2021 to the Radio Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, with reference to “Interim Provision on Radio Management of Automotive Radars (Draft for Comment)”.

To get a full understanding of the draft regulation in Chinese, do not hesitate to contact you EFS Product Compliance Team.

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