EFS Consulting

Updated standards for Radio Equipment Directive

In the Official Journal of the European Union, new list of harmonized standards for the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/54/EU was published.

The list is contained in the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1196 of 19 July 2021, which amends the Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/167 as regards harmonised standards for certain radio equipment concerning ground- and wall-probing radio determination devices, radio frequency identification equipment, networked short range devices, etc.

The new Decision adds two new standards to the existing list:

EN 303 204 V3.1.1 Fixed Short Range Devices (SRD) in data networks; Radio equipment to be used in the 870 MHz to 876 MHz frequency range with power levels ranging up to 500 mW e.r.p.; Harmonised Standard for access to the radio spectrum

EN 303 276 V1.2.1 Maritime Broadband Radiolink operating within the bands 5 852 MHz to 5 872 MHz and/or 5 880 MHz to 5 900 MHz for ships and off-shore installations engaged in coordinated activities; Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum’.

Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1196 is available under the following link.

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