New technical regulation on emissions
Recently, Vietnam has published Draft National Technical Regulation on the fourth level of gaseous pollutants emissions for new assembled, manufactured and imported automobiles amending the previous regulation QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT.
The Technical Regulation specifies the emission limits, exhausting test and methods, requirements for management and performing of the fourth level of gaseous pollutants emissions on quality inspection of technical safety and environmental protection.
It applies to automobiles manufacturing and assembling establishments, enterprises manufacturing or importing automobile components and organizations and agencies involved in the management, inspection and testing automobiles and automotive parts.
The Regulation references the European emissions standards UNECE 83 Emissions of pollutants according to engine fuel requirements, UNECE 49 Emissions (diesel, NG & LPG) as well as the European framework vehicle type approval Directive 2007/46/EC.
The full text of the draft Technical Regulation in Vietnamese can be accessed at: link.