Stefanie Fieber-Grandits
Senior Expert

- Study of Communication Sciences
- Study of Educational Sciences
- 3-year training as a counsellor (cf. LSB)
- Dialogue Circle Facilitator
- Systemic-dialogical life and social counsellor
- advanced year body psychotherapy
- Years of work in psychosocial enterprises
- Management of various EU education projects
- Diversity consulting of organizations
- with EFS Consulting since 2016, co-founder and lead of FRAMECHANGERS™
Where to meet me away from work:
- With my children and partner on the path into the forest, exploring nature alone, in further training and networks with wonderful companions along the way.
What moves me:
- The changes, the needs and beauties of this world and how we as communities react to them. I am moved by the relationships from which I am allowed to learn about myself every day. I am moved by the decisions I make to help build a future in which my children and their children will live.
“With love for people and their systems, patterns and potentials, I dealt with sustainable culture in learning organizations. My holistic, systemic-dialogical view and my solution-oriented interventions enable intensive work with management teams and organizations.”