EFS Consulting

Product Compliance - Our Product Portfolio

Services & Solutions

We offer tailor-made services and solutions in the context of global product compliance. Based on a comprehensive understanding of the law, the EFS team of experts deals with questions of regulatory compliance, import restrictions, product certifications and many more at a both strategic and operational level.

We guide our customers in overcoming global challenges and ensure the marketability of the products in the target markets in a goal-oriented way. With a focus on the automotive sector and with a great deal of commitment and experience, we provide our customers with services and solutions for the identification and monitoring of laws, interpretation of laws, market fit check, process implementation and troubleshooting.


Our customized solutions in the area of Product Compliance and Automotive Regulatory

Regulations Identification & Monitoring

A timely identification and assessment of new regulations and legal requirements for your products worldwide is a key activity to ensure an adequate reaction in your organization and initiate steps to safeguard global product compliance. 

EFS helps you to achieve this goal efficiently via our services: 

  • Identification of new / changed regulations worldwide 
  • Setting up and operating the Early Warning System 
  • Basic analyzes / initial assessment of regulatory requirements 
  • Creation of regulatory reports / Newsletters
  • Global Regulation Tool 

Your EFS We have a wide network and a spectrum of international sources, automated identification and assessment solutions based on Artificial Intelligence as well as an own regulations database covering diverse product categories from over 180 countries. 


Regulatory Research & Analysis

After the identification of a new regulation, it is necessary to analyze and understand it (often in the local language) in order to assess its impact on your business and prepare for its implementation.  The ability to effectively communicate with national authorities to clarify open points is also of utmost importance. 

We offer you: 

  • Detailed legal analysis / interpretation 
  • Clarification of specific issues with authorities / associations 
  • Deriving concrete recommendations for action 
  • Benchmarking of regulatory requirements 

Your EFS We have years of expertise in the area of product compliance and automotive regulatory, understand and analyze laws and regulations in several foreign languages that cover almost 80% of the world and have a broad network of cooperation partners and contacts within authorities worldwide. 


Market Readiness Assessment

When launching a new product on international markets, it is crucial to know, understand and manage well all the requirements in order to ensure a compliant supply and avoid pitfalls.  Regular gap analyses also help to identify and remedy possible infringements in advance. 

We can support you with: 

  • Market-Fit-Check (market requirements examination for products / vehicles) 
  • Worldwide conformity assessment systems (CE in Europe, UKCA in Great Britain, CCC in China, INMETRO in Brazil, EAC in Russia, SNI in Indonesia, KC in South Korea, BIS in India, SASO in Saudi Arabia and many others) 
  • Gap Analysis of existing products / vehicles 
  • Instructive analysis 
  • Industrialization of products / vehicles 
  • Risk assessment 

Your EFS  We have successfully supported hundreds of manufacturers in compliant placing their products on the EU and foreign markets, we have deep knowledge of numerous product conformity assessment systems and their requirements as well as a large database of product compliance regulations from the whole world. 


Knowledge Management

In addition to having an external expert on your side, you also need your team to understand the nitty-gritty of product compliance or automotive regulations and to be up-to-date with the newest developments in these areas. 

We can support you with our: 

  • Product Compliance workshops 
  • Automotive Regulatory workshops 
  • Regulatory talks with experts 
  • Trainings (Inhouse / Online) 
  • Product Compliance & Automotive Regulatory Insights 

Your EFS Our world-class multilingual specialists in the area of Product Compliance and Automotive Regulatory have expertise in carrying out informative and interactive trainings and workshops and use innovative and agile tools for online education. 


Market Support & Troubleshooting

While supplying foreign markets, it often comes to unexpected situations: products get blocked by customs, documents are missing, communication problems arise.  If not taken care of quickly and properly, they can mean unpleasant consequences for the manufacturer.  

All these challenges get much easier with our services: 

  • Clarification of inquiries from markets 
  • Support for import problems (hotline) 
  • Central information hub for internal / external stakeholders 
  • Document management 
  • Operations Center 

Your EFS We have successfully dealt with innumerable product compliance ‘crises’ for our customers, always finding an appropriate solution and have experience in efficient communication with authorities, suppliers, importers, testing lab, certification bodies etc.  Confidentiality, discretion and time-efficiency are our top priorities. 


Organization & Processes

With the growing number of supplied markets and a growing number of product requirements at the same time, it is easy to lose overview and control of internal processes.  Procedural inefficacies at your organization may cost a lot of money and impede your business success.  We help you get it all back on track! 

We offer you: 

  • Robustness-Check (processes / organization / responsibilities / IT / etc.) 
  • Management systems (Compliance Management System, Product Compliance Management System, Environmental Compliance Management System, Quality Management System) 
  • Definition & implementation of end-to-end processes 
  • Culture & compliance mindset in the organization 
  • Product Compliance Tools 

Your EFS We have an extensive experience in procedural and organizational supporting of small, medium, and big businesses and have built up many working Compliance Management Systems.  Apart from procedural solution, we also care about the compliance environment and culture in your organization. 


Implementation & Safeguarding

Identifying and understanding new regulations is only the first step to success.  Another one is to decide what they mean for your organization in practice and what must be done to implement them to remain compliant.  Which business units and which products are affected?  How to meet the regulatory requirements? 

We help you to find answers to these questions via: 

  • Implementation of new regulations (procedural / organizational / IT) 
  • Part identification / cost estimation / business case 
  • Set-up and management of task forces 
  • Supplier qualification and management 
  • Accompanying product certification  

Your EFS We combine an external perspective of an independent consulting company with a deep understanding of organizations and their internal processes. We can smoothly interact with all stakeholders and manage complex projects. 


Certificate Management

Organizations dealing with big numbers of products (such as, for instance, automotive OEMs) often struggle to effectively manage the countless product certificates.  For all relevant markets, they must be permanently monitored, updated, uploaded in different IT systems, renewed etc. so that you can keep supplying your products in accordance with the law. 

This task gets much easier with our support:   

  • Set-up and implementation of certificate management system 
  • IT requirements engineering 
  • Obtaining and documentation of certificates 
  • Conformity documents review and approval 
  • Operational IT support (1st level) 
  • Operations Center 

Your EFS We have successfully supported companies in effectively managing their conformity documents, provided support in obtaining the necessary certificates from suppliers in a timely manner as well as verified the accuracy of the documents provided. Furthermore, EFS can provide both training and further development of certificate management systems. 


Contact us for more information on our customized solutions in the area of Product Compliance and Automotive Regulatory.

Wolfgang Walter, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Wolfgang Walter

Justus Tilse

Bernhard Schreiner, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Bernhard Schreiner

Truls Thorstensen CEO EFS Consulting

Truls Thorstensen

Felix Meizner, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Felix Meizer

Christian Schaupp CEO EFS Consulting

Christian Schaupp

Jürgen Leitner, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Jürgen Leitner

Tibor Löderer EFS Consulting

Tibor Löderer

Benjamin Braun EFS Consulting

Benjamin Braun

Michael Bereczuk

Günther Kolar-Schandlbauer

Michael Strohschneider

Robert Zlabinger, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Robert Zlabinger

Liliana Simon

Irakli Dshandshgava, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Irakli Dshandshgava

Jochen Schreiber, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Jochen Schreiber

Maximilian Mrstik

Markus Maus

Gregor Schuh, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Gregor Schuh

Georg Groh, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Georg Groh

Stefan Willminger, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Stefan Willminger

Recep Öz

Stefanie FieberSenior Expert

Stefanie Fieber-Grandits

Pedro Dias, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Pedro Dias

Jörg Galatz EFS Consulting

Jörg Galatz

Michael Rinda, Engagement Manager bei EFS Consulting

Michael Rinda

Thomas Verhounig, Partner bei EFS Consulting

Thomas Verhounig