EFS Consulting


EU Introduces New REACH Regulation Restricting PFHxA to Protect Health and the Environment
EFS Whitepaper Die Verordnung zur Künstlichen Intelligenz verstehen
Artificial intelligence threats: A cyber security perspective
New Standards in Information Security: ISO/IEC 27001 (2022)
Team Framechangers von EFS Consulting
Emotional Intelligence: Leading with Heart and Mind
Auf diesem Bild ist ein Auto zu sehen, das mittels Sensoren andere Verkehrsteilnehmer:innen erkennt.
UNECE R157: Specifications on assistance systems for automated driving
UNECE R155 and ISO/SAE 21434: Cybersecurity requirements for automotive manufacturers and suppliers
EFS Consulting Agiles Mindset
Agile Mindset: The Engine of Every Agile Transformation in Companies
Different Leadership Styles of the Agile Leader
Canada publishes second draft on the PFAS
CBAM Compliance: Shift to actual reporting from August 2024