EFS Consulting

New Australian Design Rule on Vehicle Marking

Australia updated its Design Rule on Vehicle Marking 

In preparation for the implementation of the new Australian Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018, the Australian Government published a new version of Australian Design Rule (ADR) 61 on vehicle marking. The new, third version of the ADR (ADR 61/03) cancels the requirement to fit vehicles with an identification plate/compliance plate and replaces it with a requirement for vehicles to be fitted with a “secure vehicle identification marking.” 

The “Secure Vehicle Identification Marking” must: 

(a) display at least: 

(i)        the name of the ‘Manufacturer’ or the ‘Vehicle Make’; and 

(ii)      the ‘VIN’; 

(b) be firmly affixed in a conspicuous and readily accessible position on the vehicle; and 

(c) not be affixed on a part of the vehicle usually subject to replacement in use. 

Do not hesitate to contact us to find out more about detailed requirements of ADR 61/03. 

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